NTB to Increases Disaster Mitigation

Selasa, Januari 14, 2020 | 23.35 WIB Last Updated 2020-01-14T15:35:51Z
DISASTER MITIGATION. Wira Bhakti Military Resort Commander Colonel Czi Ahmad Rizal Ramdhani with NTB Governor Zulkieflimansyah at NTB disaster mitigation preparation ceremony in Mataram.

MATARAM - NTB government is increasing anticipation of disasters in its region, following the recent extreme weather.

"Disaster mitigation is important to anticipate for floods, landslides and tornadoes in NTB Province this year," said Wira Bhakt Military Resort Commander, Colonel Czi Ahmad Rizal Ramdhani, Tuesday (14/1) at NTB disaster mitigation preparation ceremony in Mataram.

Ceremony was joined by personnel of the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Basarnas, BNPB, Tagana, Damkar, PLN, Senkom, Department of Transportation, Facilitators and Scouts.

NTB Governor Decree was regarding the determination of emergency status of flood, landslide, and tornado disaster in NTB Province attended by NTB regional leaders communication forum (Forkopimda).

On that occasion, Colonel Rizal conveyed that disaster mitigation preparation was carried out in the context of natural disaster preparedness in the NTB region, including floods, landslides and tornadoes, and others.

"We must recognize the possible forms of threat that will occur from indications, in order to prepare the right subscription strategy. Besides that we also need to know the problems caused by hoping we can find a solution or a solution, so that it does not become a protracted problem," He explained.

Rizal said, the current weather conditions that are prone to natural disasters so that they must be well prepared in the form of preparing disaster response units in all regencies / cities in NTB Province.

"To face the challenges of the task related to natural disasters, according to the direction of NTB Governor, this morning we are implementing the disaster preparedness rally as a way to point out to the public that NTB is ready, prevent, avoid, anticipate and face any possibilities related to disaster," as part of mitigation bright disaster Danrem.

In NTB itself, continued Danrem has the concept of dealing with disasters based on experience that has been done. Bearing in mind the diverse characteristics of disasters, then to anticipate and handle them, prioritize local wisdom by involving all components of stakeholder in NTB.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Governor of NTB who had fully supported the implementation of the rehabilitation and reconstruction task so that the NTB was used as a model for disaster management throughout Indonesia by BNPB.

Colonel Rizal also invited and appealed to all NTB people in the rainy season to anticipate any disasters that would arise in the NTB region and draw closer to God Almighty by carrying out worship according to their respective religions so as to avoid all disasters.

"Hopefully our readiness will become a benchmark for the readiness of unit assignments in the future with the hope that any indication can be anticipated immediately and act upon it by minimizing and eliminating disaster victims," ​​Rizal said. (*)
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  • NTB to Increases Disaster Mitigation

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