Private Sector Encouraged to Move Beyond Compliance
Jumat, Desember 13, 2019 | 13.42 WIB Last Updated 2019-12-13T05:42:22Z
President Director of Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (Amman Mineral), Rachmat Makkasau, one of the speakers at the Climate Change Summit, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC / COP 25) held in Madrid, Spain from December 2nd to 13th 2019 entitled “The Role of Private Sector in Dealing With Climate Change.

MADRID - Government is expected to continue encouraging private sector to deliver the company’s operations better or even beyond compliance in dealing with climate change says President Director of Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (Amman Mineral), Rachmat Makkasau, one of the speakers at the Climate Change Summit, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC / COP 25) held in Madrid, Spain from December 2nd to 13th 2019 entitled “The Role of Private Sector in Dealing With Climate Change.

Rachmat added that the Government of Indonesia has put in place a good instrument in encouraging private sector to provide real contributions in coping with climate change.

"The instrument is called PROPER (the Green Company’s Performance Rating Program) performed by Ministry of Environment and Forestry," he said.

Some of PROPER assessment criteria applicable to mining industry are consistent with global efforts in dealing with climate change including energy efficiency, emission reduction, land damage control and reclamation. The government highly appreciates the contributions provided by private sector. Valuation of private sector’s contributions in Indonesia may reach up to US$3.5 billion.

The UNFCCC known as COP25 (the 25th UN Climate Change Conference) is held in Madrid, Spain under the cooperation of the Government of Chile and the Government of. The COP25 is the last climate conference to prepare for the delivery of Paris Agreement, the outcome of COP21 held in Paris in 2015.

The climate agreement ratified by 195 countries has been agreed to be implemented from 2020 to 2030 targeting to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in effort to minimizing the global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

About Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara

Amman Mineral Group operates Batu Hijau mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. The Batu Hijau mine is one of the largest copper and gold mines in Indonesia managed by prioritizing safety, environmental protection and social responsibility aspects.

Amman Mineral has received 7 GREEN PROPER (Company’s Performance Rating Program) awards from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Green PROPER is an award for a company whose performance is considered to exceed the standards set by KLHK for various aspects of environmental protection management and community development programs around the mine. (*)

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