Sumbawa Military Commander and Sumbawa BRI Chief Hand Over Five Houses in "Bedah Rumah" Programme
Minggu, Desember 29, 2019 | 02.55 WIB Last Updated 2019-12-28T18:55:11Z
Lieutenant Colonel Samsul Huda and Lalu Novizar hand over house keys to Hj Hadijah in Bugis Village, Sumbawa Regency. 

SUMBAWA - Kodim 1607/ Sumbawa Military District in collaboration with BRI Sumbawa Branch carried out the Non-Occupational Housing Construction Assistance Development Program (RTLH) in the Sumbawa Regency area of ​​NTB Province.

Commander of Kodim 1607/Sumbawa Lieutenant Colonel Inf Samsul Huda with the Head of BRI Sumbawa Lalu Novizar Rahim handed over the keys of the house and gifts to the owner in several places such as the house belonging to Hj. Hadijah in Bugis Vilagge, Abdullah's house and Mesuji's house in Brang Bara Village and handover of the house key belonging to Ms. Mindara in Semamung Village, Moyo Hulu District, Saturday (28/12).

Lieutenant Colonel Samsul Huda in his remarks conveyed the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses as an extension cooperation of the Kodam IX/Udayana with BRI, so that five units of houses in Sumbawa regency could be rehabilitated.

"In this rehabilitation using priority scale, Insha Allah we will try in the future to cooperate with other BUMN banks such as BNI and Mandiri so that we can increase the number of houses we are rehabilitating," Samsul Huda said.

Meanwhile, BRI Sumbawa Branch Head Lalu Novizar Rahim said that this house rehab service is not livable as a form of BRI's concern for others.

"We hope it will be beneficial for families and more comfortable in a new home," he said. (*)

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  • Sumbawa Military Commander and Sumbawa BRI Chief Hand Over Five Houses in "Bedah Rumah" Programme

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